Forum : Broken - the Integrated Outsourcing Model needs fixing

When:  Sep 30, 2014
Associated with  Sydney

After approximately two decades of outsourcing of property services, various models have evolved.  The Global Integrated Property Services Model is being offered as the 'Industry Best Practice for all to follow. However we hear time and time again that client expectations continue not to be met and services providers continually complain about clients demanding more services and more strategic advice in lower priced models. This has led many participants in the industry, both clients and service providers, to consider whether the current 'one size fits all' model is broken and challenge whether key elements and objectives need to be re-assessed.

This forum brings together four leaders in the industry from both sides of the divide to debate some key aspects of the current model that have caused problems.

Key aspects for discussion:

1. Control and Ownership of the Portfolio Data and the 'System'.

2. Integrated service delivery model across all locations or disaggregated 'best of breed' service approach in different locations

3. Transitioning between Service Providers and/or Transitioning for First Time outsourcing


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420 George Street
Sydney, NSW 2000