Social Media - What is it all about?

When:  May 28, 2013 from 05:15 PM to 08:00 PM (NZST)
Associated with  New Zealand

Do you know your Tweets from your Twits?

Do you want to know more about LinkedIn, Facebook and what all the fuss is about?

CoreNet has invited David Maurice to speak on this very timely topic and update us with latest apps, jargon and what we need to know to keep up with the world as technology marches forward.

David Maurice has been with M Moser for 13 years. From a Sales, Marketing and Business Development background, David was with the London office of M Moser Associates before transitioning last year to lead the Global Marketing and Communications team from his new base in Auckland. David’s key goals are projecting messages and achievements using both traditional marketing techniques and social media. Within the last few years new technology and social media has become his passion. 



Colliers Boardroom
SAP tower, Level 27
151 Queen Street
Auckland, NZ
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Nigel Rye
021 770 076