Communications and Public Relations

The Communication and Public Relations Committee’s goal is to build awareness and
strategically position CoreNet Global’s Chicago Chapter – its mission, its benefits, its
programs and its services. Our committee manages all official Chapter
communications: with the board, with membership, with the corporate real estate
community, and with the media. We are ‘caretakers of the brand’ and ensure that the
Chapter puts its best foot forward; that communications support the mission and
messages of the Chicago Chapter and of CoreNet Global as a whole.

Main Committee Activities
To achieve our goals, this committee communicates core messages to a thoughtfully
defined target audience by managing the following communications tools and programs
and supporting other committees in their messaging. Our core activities include:
  • Chapter Website management
  • Programs branding
  • Chapter branding and collateral
  • Bi-weekly Email Blast member/prospect communication
  • Chapter Newsletter writing and publishing
  • Proactive Media relations
  • Graphic design and photography vendor oversight and art direction
  • Byline articles in business and real estate publications
  • Member Profiles for newsletter, eblast and other uses

Need to Know
We coordinate our efforts via conference calls and email, and try to infuse everything we do with a spirit of teamwork.  The talents and inclinations of everyone on the committee are put to their highest and best use.  We are focused on helping achieve visibility for the Chapter itself – and for board members, and ourselves.  Join the committee if you have time and inclination for writing projects, and a passion for branding and promotion.

Why Join?
This is a great way for real estate, marketing and public relations professionals with writing skills to become involved in CoreNet, while at the same time enhancing your media and industry relationships.

To Volunteer
Contact Committee Chair: Courtney Pirosko, AIS, 917.207.0461, or Committee Co-Chair: Megen Briars, OKW Architects, Inc., 312.798.7700,