Message from the President


Dan Ulbricht
Chicago Chapter President

Towards the end of 2012, we made it through another election, the world did NOT come to an end, and we didn’t need parachutes after all by avoiding the fiscal cliff. Through all this, the Chicago Chapter grew membership to over 460 strong, increased revenue reserves, provided over 30 high quality programs and events and had more than 100 people representing the Chicago Chapter at the last Global Summit in Orlando.

From a pool of over 40 candidates, our 20 board members for 2013 were nominated, underwent extensive interviews, slated by a committee of end user members at large, our past presidents and finally ratified by our membership. Not only will our chapter continue to strive for membership growth, more importantly, enhance offerings and better engage our existing member. These leaders will continue to propel and enhance the CoreNet Global Chicago Chapter as “the professional organization of choice for the Midwest corporate real estate community.”

With much in store for the coming year, including high quality programming, learning and networking events, several additional initiatives have been set in motion. Realizing the Chicago Chapter is not just Chicago, but also encompasses our suburban areas, Wisconsin and Indiana, regional task forces have been established and our Programs and Learning teams have planned events and tours to provide programs within these areas.

Mobility and technology continue to impact and play an important role in real estate and our chapter strives to leverage these ever changing technologies. In addition to our podcasts made available via web after each program, we have made an investment in real time audience polling using individual smart devices, utilize social media including LinkedIn and Twitter, and are in the process of streamlining information and content on our Chapter’s website.

We, as a chapter, have much to be proud of… our members represent great companies and with your voice, your opinions and your ideas, our chapter can only get stronger. We encourage you to get involved and reflect “How can the CoreNet Global Chicago Chapter be your Chapter?”

Dan Ulbricht

President, Chicago Chapter

Leopardo Companies, Inc.