Managing Finances While in Transition

When:  Feb 23, 2015 from 05:30 PM to 07:30 PM (ET)
Associated with  New England

The transition between job opportunities can be a challenging time on many fronts, not the least of which is dealing with a reduced income stream. Join the Talent in Transition group to learn some tips on successfully managing your finances during this period. Nora Yousif, a noted Financial Planner and Advisor, will share some strategies and techniques for successfully navigating the financial challenges of an employment gap.

Nora Yousif, RBC Wealth Management, Financial Advisor

All members and unemployed are free
End User Non-Member: $25
Service Provider Non-Member: $55
Additional $10 cost after registration deadline
Pre-Registration Deadline January 29th
*Please pre-register to assist us with meeting planning and building security.


Cresa Boston
200 State Street
13th Floor
Boston, MA 02109
