Sustainability 2.0

When:  Jun 24, 2014 from 07:30 AM to 09:30 AM (ET)
Associated with  New England

Corporate Real Estate Departments have increasingly expanded responsibilities which now include establishing sustainability processes. Those processes establish goals and objectives, highlight the drivers, obtain senior leadership approval, secure funding, manage implementation, and measure results.

This program examines how MathWorks, headquartered in Natick, MA, is successfully reducing their carbon footprint, how adidas built and implemented a sustainability process with highlights of some recent projects, and how Philips established a new process, obtained future funding sources, and is implementing major projects. Come and participate in this event as the panelists explain the learnings they derived in their respective companies to get sustainability project approved, implemented, and measured.


Joe Higgins PE, VP of Engineering & Corporate Sustainability, Fidelity Investments
Joe has responsibilities for critical infrastructure design and operations. As Fidelity’s Sustainability Officer, he provides guidance, coordination and reporting for a broad array of sustainability initiatives. He actively supports the USGBC as a faculty member and core contributor to their LEED rating systems.

Bob Donahue, Senior Manager, Real Estate & Facilities, MathWorks

Bob has grown with MathWorks over the past 17+ years managing worldwide facility operations and new construction efforts. His Facility Planning team has the primary responsibility to lead MathWorks energy initiatives, facility retrofits, and new construction efforts. Bob is a UMass graduate, with a Northeastern High-Tech MBA, and a BU Corporate Real Estate Certificate.

Elizabeth Turnbull Henry, Sr. Manager for Energy & Environment, adidas Group Corporate Real Estate Team
Elizabeth designed and manages the ‘Green ENERGy Fund’, adidas Group’s global capital fund for energy efficiency and renewable energy investments. In her role, she also advocates for reducing the environmental impact of new construction. She has a MBA and Masters of Environmental Management from yale University. She is passionate about finding ways to create business value from carbon reduction.

Joseph Pendergast, North American Commodity Manager for Energy, Philips
Joseph’s primary responsibilities include sourcing energy in North America, and overall reduction of energy spent across the region. He also provides support for global energy and carbon reduction initiatives, including development of Philips’ first solar installation, located in Andover, Massachusetts. He has twenty years of industry experience, with degrees from University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Harvard University.


End User Member: Free
End User Non-Member: $75.00
Service Provider Member: $65.00
Service Provider Non-Member: $85.00

Talent in Transition
Member: Free
Non-Member: $25.00
Additional $20 cost after registration deadline
Registration Deadline June 18th
No refunds after June 20th


Boston Properties
290 Congress Street
Fort Point Room, 2nd Floor
Boston, MA